On a seperate hike I was able to see lava flow and burning trees from about 300 yards away. There was one section of land that still stands as an island among the fields of lava rock.
Last weekend I rented a pickup truck/camper from one of my friends and took off on a 24-hour excurion to the north side of the island. A scenic drive along the ocean and then up through the Kohola Mountains brought me to my destination, Pololu Valley Lookout. I hiked down to the ocean from the lookout and then continued on a hiking trail to the next valley over. I felt invigorated walking this trail as I enjoyed the pristine beauty and the quiet solitude. I didn't see any other hikers for the 3 hours on the out and back trip. One section of the trail was so steep that ropes had been put into place to help people scale down and then back up again. I also came across a really thick section of bamboo with a very thin trail through the middle of it.
After the hike which brought periods of rain showers on the return trip I drove over to the west coast for some sunnier and warmer weather. Another scenic drive took me from the tropical area where I hiked to a warm and dry region just down the road. I stopped at Hapuna Beach for a swim and to watch the sunset. Later I found a place about 50 ft. from the ocean to park and spend the night. In Hawaii there aren't a lot of regulations or fees with camping. You just find a spot that doesn't bother other people and you're all set. In the morning I had time to squeeze in a short hike to a waterfall at Akaka Falls State Park.
Even the youngest member of our community, 16-month old Tookah has been enjoying my sprouts.